FHN Financial


We designed a platform that empowers institutional investors to actively monitor and enhance their portfolio's performance through interactive modeling and reporting features. The platform also allows for browsing of assets and access to the latest industry research and strategies. Additionally, we implemented an authoring, publication, and subscription workflow that allows our users to benefit from FHN's top-notch economic research and strategies.

First Horizon
Momentum Design Lab


We reviewed FHN Financial’s competition and as well as other popular financial institution experiences. This helped us form an understanding of market trends and opportunities for innovation.

We developed an interview guide and conducted dozens of conversations with different user types and stakeholders in sales, strategy, marketing and tech to gain an understanding of the users.

We next conducted workshops to focus on mapping user journeys, reviewing competitors and inspiration examples, and a collaborative ideation, sketching and discussion period.

User Personas

We started off by taking a deep dive into the institutional investing landscape and fully understanding the current platform and the needs and pain points of Sales Reps, Analysts and Strategists (internal users) and customers (the external users).

Branding and UI Style

This is the initial prototype resulting from our design sprint workshop. It features an invitation process via email, various ways to view projects, and an initial concept for displaying the primary dashboard for each project. A significant aspect of the prototype is the ability for users to add comments directly on the map, which was prototyped and tested.

Data Visualization Guidelines

We created guidelines for visualizing data that provide detailed instructions on how to effectively use the data visualization components and color palette we have defined. This includes information on how to select the most appropriate chart type for the data being presented, such as when to use bar charts for comparing categorical data, line charts for tracking changes over time, or comparison charts for displaying the relationship between different variables. Additionally, the guidelines also include best practices for labeling and annotating charts, as well as tips for making the data as clear and easy to understand as possible for the intended audience.

Content Experience (Consuming and Authoring)

The initial phase of the project entailed the development of a powerful Content Management System (CMS) that enables users to access and consume content, allows authors to create and submit content, and facilitates the review and approval process for content by reviewers and marketing leaders.

Dashboard and Analytics

For the second phase of the project, we developed a suite of analytics tools that were organized into various dashboards. These tools allowed users to track various portfolios, compare data, and perform simulations to uncover valuable insights.

The Challenge

Datagran it's a complex product that involves Big Data, AI and Data Science. The challenge was to design solutions for user that are complex but usable, allowing people to interprate their own data and obtein powerful insights


NPS 30
Increase NPS Score from -66.6 to 30 in less than a year.
Users Worldwide
Active Users
revenue growth
vs 2018